Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Love at first sight … yea right!

Out of absolute boredom and thanks to some parched programming by my preferred channels I was finally forced to settle on some crappy Hindi movie. There was as much excitement and ingenuity in the movie as there is snowfall in the Sahara Desert. The same poor family of the hero and the greedy and stinkin’ rich family of the heroine were introduced in a drab fashion. The regular twist of fate and finally … Love at first sight !

This is where I beg to differ (well not exactly beg) with probably quite a few people. I don’t believe in the eyes meeting – bells ringing – white doves flying kind of a first encounter which bonds a couple for life. Plus I’m probably not too sure about the definition of the most popular 4 lettered word love itself (second to none other than the enabler of speech – F**K).

While I would not like to get into the definition, I would like to offer my thoughts about the dynamics of the first encounter of the essential kind. Much like God Hisself, I don’t know about women’s side of the story, but I’m pretty sure about what goes on in a guy’s head when he first sees a woman. It’s no mystery. I can infact count the thoughts on my fingertips:
1. She’s Hot (“let’s knock boots”)
2. She’s Cute/ pretty (“let’s talk for a while .. then let’s knock boots”)
3. She’s average (“maybe I can get to know her … then meet her girlfriends … and then maybe knock boots”)
4. She’s below average/ ugly (“I wonder if she can help me do my homework while I go knock boots with someone else”)

I may be crucified by some for this, but these are actually the thoughts at the beginning of the first encounter in most guys (with the only exception of gays obviously). Obviously these thoughts shift from carnal to other subsequently.

The most important thing is that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it. There’s nothing pervert in it like many (especially women) think. It’s something which cannot be helped. Call it primal instinct or involuntary procreative reaction if you will.

People have it so wrong.

1 comment:

Sexy Sadie said...

This is where I beg to differ (well not exactly beg) with probably quite a few people. I don’t believe in the eyes meeting – bells ringing – white doves flying kind of a first encounter which bonds a couple for life. Plus I’m probably not too sure about the definition of the most popular 4 lettered word love itself (second to none other than the enabler of speech – F**K).

It actually happens sometimes to ordinary people to.Do not lose faith in love. Love is the ondly thing worth beliving.