Thursday, June 01, 2006

A for …

A for Apple
B for Ball
C for ... Can u teach me some grammar ?

It’s true ! ‘N it’s an emergency ! Suddenly I feel that I’ve lost all my grammar skills !

Just today I was confronted with the task of paying more attention to the grammar and language of some text. How difficult could it be after all , I thought to myself. That thought was soon tossed out the window. I think somewhere through those years of ‘good’ education from ‘reputed’ places like DPS, St. Stephen’s and MDI … slang got mixed with proper language. And it got mixed so well that right now I really can’t tell the difference! Just for example, I’m so used to saying ‘and things like that’ that for me this is proper English!

The other thing is updates and language development. I agree evolution of all things is necessary. But the evolution of language kind of makes me feel retarded. Just today I found out that the word ‘overweight’ was not just an adjective any more but now a noun as well. So basically the overweights need not worry about being overweight but having overweight. What’s troublesome about this is that now I need to read one more thing along with my daily newspaper and the financial daily everyday … the daily dictionary ! Considering the number of words / phrases / modifications that are introduced in the dictionary every year, if I don’t keep myself updated, soon I’ll be talkin’ cave-man-speak ‘n people won’t understand me! Now I can’t allow that.

The other thing I gotta worry about is the number and type of dictionaries. U have the Oxford’s, the Cambridge’s, the Collins’s, the Idiot’s and what nots. Then you have the British and the American. Then you have the formal and the informal. I mean is there an end to it ???

For example ... did you know there were proper listed words like Granny dumping (no it’s not about dating and dumping grannies), McJob (as if there weren’t already enough kind of ‘jobs’) and many many more !

I think I should go back to nursery.

"In my sentences I go where no man has gone before ... I am a boon to the English Language" - George W. Bush

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get hold of this book called Eats, Shoots and Leaves..It'll blow you away !
And your apostrophes are at the wrong place. I'm not even gonna start with the other wrongs :)

(The word my browser asks me to recognize and type out in the box before posting this...believe it or RG-ED...get the link?)